Video: Eating a Fried Spider in Cambodia

As promised, here’s the video of me eating a fried spider in Cambodia 🙂

More videos from Cambodia, Indonesia, and Costa Rica to come soon!

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  1. Don Lee says:

    I’m confused Ariel. I’m certain that I read you were a vegetarian. It can’t be long before you will be wolfing down a 16 ounce Porterhouse steak!

  2. Yum! You took that well. I would totally gag, just at the thought. I’m not good with eating squishy guts and stuff. 🙂

    • Vagablonding says:

      I was totally worried that there would be squishy guts, but that thing was fried to a crisp! But I’ve heard sometimes they don’t get fried enough and they’re still partly alive when people eat them D: I made sure mine was good and dead before I put it in my mouth.

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