Southern Bonaire Loop and Lac Bay on Scooters

Rented Scooter - Bonaire

East Coast - Bonaire

Cai, Bonaire

Sisters at Cai, Bonaire

Lizard - Bonaire

Lizard close-up - Bonaire

Egret at Cai, Bonaire

Flamingos - Bonaire

Flamingos - Bonaire

The flamingo in the middle totally photo-bombed this pic with his butt hole.

Flamingo butt - Bonaire

Dead tree - Bonaire

Windsurfing - Lac Bay, Bonaire

Willemstoren Lighthouse - Bonaire

Slave Huts - Bonaire

Slave Huts - Bonaire

Salt works - Bonaire

Salt piles - Bonaire

Salt mounds and pink water - Bonaire

Salt - Bonaire

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  1. Samuel @ Backpacking Travel Blog says:

    Lovely photo essay! My favourite shots are the ones of the flamingos!

  2. Bruce says:


    2 Questions:

    1) What are the brown huts?

    2) What are the white piles?


    • Someone_from_the_interwebs says:

      Huts were where the slaves used to sleep in.

      White piles are salt, which is harvested there.

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